Premium Refreshment Service provides you with the same dedication and service with your company’s professional office coffee services as we do as your office bottled water provider. Treat your employees and customers to a great cup of coffee they will look forward to every morning. Let your Premium Refreshment Service consultant show you how this low-cost employee benefit can work for you, at a price that’s competitive with what you are paying now.
If it’s variety you want, Premium Refreshment Service has an extensive selection of coffees and other break room supplies to please your entire office. From gourmet coffees to select leaf teas, we provide beverages to match your palate preference.
When it comes to brewed beverages for the office environment, our wide variety of brewers will definitely provide a solution for your office coffee service needs. We can supply portion control systems for unique solutions, or the standard fare for a great brewed cup.
We’re up to speed with the latest trends and offer sleek and fun single-serve brewers. Yet if office coffee machines with traditional glass pots or thermal airpots are what fit best for your break room supplies, then that’s not a problem, either.